We choose the rice from the best harvests of selected partners to ensure the high quality of the raw material.


The raw materials are processed using state-of-the-art and automated systems in compliance with the quality, safety and legal requirements certified according to the IFS Food standard. Since 2012 the company is certified according to the standard certification from CSQA Certificazioni Srl.

Competent and scrupulous personnel carry out constant checks on the process and on the products to ensure their conformity in every stage of production. A specific plan of analytical controls is revised and approved annually on the basis of regulatory updates, Community alert notifications and possible changes to the assessment of business risks. Prd Srl relies on accredited external laboratories for product analysis, who have experience in dealing with specific food matrices in the sector and use validated methods in accordance with ISO 17025 standards.
P.R.D. is a certified Company

via del progresso, 3
46033 Castel d’Ario, Mantova – Italy
tel. +39 0376 661526
fax + 39 0376 511217